Oct 4, 2022
What Does Crack Filling Do For Your Asphalt Paving?

Key Takeaways:

  • Asphalt crack filling prevents water and other debris from entering the asphalt crack and causing further damage.
  • The crack filling materials include hot pour, cold pour, rubberized tar, and aggregate sealers.
  • Crack filling saves you money in the long run since you won’t have to replace the entire pavement.
  • Oxidation causes asphalt to harden and become brittle.
  • A professional contractor can offer you asphalt maintenance and repair services to keep your asphalt looking its best.

Even though asphalt is a cost-effective and long-lasting paving material, it is not immune to deterioration. Over time, asphalt can develop cracks due to weathering, traffic, and other factors. If left unrepaired, these cracks will continue to grow and can eventually lead to potholes and other severe damage.

This is why you must contact a professional asphalt paving contractor as soon as you notice any cracks in your pavement. They can examine the damage and recommend the best course of action. Let’s discuss some essential details about crack filling to give you a better idea.

What Is Asphalt Crack Filling?

Asphalt crack filling is the process of repairing cracks in asphalt pavement. It includes cleaning the crevices, sealing them, and then filling them with a polymer-based material. The sealant will prevent water and other debris from entering the crack and causing further damage.

The crack filling process is relatively simple and can be done independently if the cracks are small enough. However, consulting with a professional asphalt paving contractor is recommended.

How Often Should Asphalt Cracks Be Filled?

It is essential to inspect your asphalt for cracks and other damage regularly. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may need to fill the cracks every few months or every year.

Benefits Of Filling Cracks in An Asphalt Pavement

Saves long-term costs: By filling cracks in asphalt pavement, you can prevent further damage. It will save you money in the long run since you won’t have to replace the entire pavement.

Prevents injuries: Cracks in asphalt pavement can cause trip hazards. By filling the cracks, you can prevent people from tripping and falling.

Improves appearance: Filling cracks in asphalt pavement can enhance its overall appearance.

Maintains property value: By keeping your asphalt pavement in good condition, you can preserve the value of your property.

Prevents water damage: Water can cause much damage to asphalt pavement. It can seep into cracks and cause the pavement to expand and contract, leading to even more cracking. By filling the cracks, you can prevent water from causing damage.

Benefits Of Filling Cracks in An Asphalt Pavement

Kinds Of Asphalt Crack Filling Materials

Hot Pour

Hot pour asphalt crack fillers are designed to melt so they can easily apply to the cracks. They usually have a temperature range of 350 to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


Cold-pour asphalt crack fillers are designed to be set up slowly and applied in colder temperatures. They usually have a temperature range of 50 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rubberized Tar

These crack fillers are designed to last longer than other types. They’re also more resistant to water and oil.

Aggregate Sealers

Aggregate sealers are a mix of asphalt and gravel designed to fill large cracks and holes.

Kinds Of Asphalt Damage That Require a Crack Filling Cure

Alligator Cracks

These are caused by damaged asphalt that has been allowed to dry out. Crack-filling cure prevents further damage to Alligator cracks.


Potholes result from water seeping into the cracks in your asphalt and expanding when it freezes. It can cause the asphalt to break apart and create a hole. Crack filling should be used to prevent further damage from a pothole.

Edge Cracking

Edge cracking is caused by traffic wear and tear on the edges of your asphalt.

Fatigue Cracking:

Fatigue cracking is caused by traffic wear and tear on your asphalt. It can also be caused by improper installation or repair of your asphalt. 

Block Cracks

Block cracks appear due to traffic wear and tear on your asphalt. Improper installation or repair of your asphalt also causes these cracks. 

Shrinkage Cracks

The drying and contracting of asphalt cause shrinkage cracks. The crack will generally connect to form a block-like pattern with distinct corners and angles.

Here are some tips for maintaining a lasting asphalt pavement.

What’s The Most Severe Case of Asphalt Cracking?

The most severe case of asphalt cracking is alligator cracking. Alligator cracking is caused by traffic wear and tear, improper installation, or repair of your asphalt.

Things to Consider Before Starting an Asphalt Crack Filling Process?

  • The first thing you need to do is identify the problem areas. This will help you determine which repair method is best for your asphalt.
  • Once you’ve identified the problem areas, you need to clean the cracks. This can be done using a wire brush or a power washer. Remove all dirt, debris, and vegetation from the cracks.
  • Once the cracks are dry, you’re ready to start the repair process. If you’re using a crack-filling cure, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Reasons To Consider a Professional Asphalt Paving Contractor.

Professional Experience and Quality

A professional asphalt paving contractor has the experience and skill to get the job done right the first time. They will also be able to offer you a warranty for their work.

Proper Equipment

A professional asphalt paving contractor will have the proper equipment to do the job correctly. It includes a skid steer with an asphalt paver attachment and a roller.

The Right Materials

A professional contractor will use suitable materials for your particular project. They will also know how to properly prepare the surface before applying the asphalt.

Proper Preparation

A professional asphalt paving contractor will take the time to prepare the surface before they begin work properly. It includes removing existing vegetation, grading the area, and compacting the soil.

Proper Asphalt Installation

A professional asphalt paving contractor will know how to properly install your asphalt so that it lasts for many years. They will also consider drainage and grading when installing your asphalt.

Asphalt Maintenance and Repair Services

A professional contractor can offer you asphalt maintenance and repair services to keep your asphalt looking its best. They can also repair any damages to your asphalt.

JB Lines offers professional asphalt maintenance, crack filling and seal coating services in Lethbridge, AB. Besides that, we also provide striping, street sweeping, and more services at affordable rates. Get a free estimate from our website today!