Some Common Questions

  • Faded markings reduce safety and increase liability
  • 54% of all accidents occur in parking lots. 
  • Optimize traffic flow
    Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
  • Not only will your lot be safer but aesthetically pleasing.
  • Lets be honest, we don't have it that easy in the winter. Shoveling a lot can become a morning ritual causing the paint to ware and fade. Not to mention the oil, gas, water, and regular traffic. You can save money by doing your lot annually vs. every two years.
  • With the proper planning and coordination we can avoid disrupting your business.
  • We work around the clock so lining up a time that traffic is at a minimum shouldn't be a problem. 
  • Having the right equipment helps us get the job done faster and more professionally.
  • The paint drys within 20-30 minutes.
  • No, meetings are not required. Because of the advanced satellite imagines provided to us publicly we are able to have a birds eye view of your lot, directly from our computer. 
  • We will handle special instructions or concerns as they arise and take the necessary steps to insure your confidence.