Jul 28, 2022
Asphalt Pavement Wearing Down Too Quickly? 7 Signs You Need To Take Action

Pavement is a practical necessity for any home. It provides a safe, sturdy surface for vehicles and pedestrians to travel on, and it can last for years with proper care. However, if asphalt pavement starts to wear down too quickly, it might be due to several problems. Asphalt paving services near Airdrie are the perfect solution to all your paving problems.

In this blog post, JB Lines will discuss the most common causes of premature pavement failure so that you can take the necessary steps to protect your property. 

Sign # 1: The Pavement is too Hot:

Asphalt pavement is designed to withstand a certain amount of heat. However, if the pavement gets too hot, it can start to break down. It is especially true in areas that experience high temperatures regularly.

If you live in an area with a hot climate, keeping an eye on your pavement is essential. If you notice that the pavement is starting to soften or become sticky, it’s a sign that the pavement is too hot and needs to be repaired.

Sign # 2: The Pavement is too Cold:

Just as extreme heat can damage asphalt pavement, extreme cold can also be a problem. When the temperature drops below freezing, the water in the pavement’s crevices begins to freeze. That can cause the asphalt to crack and break apart.

If you live in an area with harsh winters, it’s essential to have your pavement inspected regularly. If you detect any cracks or damage, it’s crucial to have the pavement repaired as soon as possible.

Sign # 3: There is too Much Traffic:

Another common sign of deteriorating asphalt pavement is too much traffic. If many vehicles are constantly driving over the same spot, it can start to wear down the asphalt. That is why it’s important to have a regular maintenance schedule so that you can fix any problem areas before they get too bad.

Sign # 4: The Pavement is Uneven:

If the pavement becomes uneven, it’s a sign that it’s not being adequately maintained. It is caused by tree roots growing underneath the pavement and lifting it or simply not having a regular maintenance schedule. Uneven pavement can be dangerous, so taking action as soon as you see it is important.

Sign # 5: The Pavement is Cracked:

If the pavement becomes cracked, it’s another sign of deteriorating asphalt pavement. Cracks can allow water to seep beneath the pavement and start to deteriorate. They can also become a trip hazard if they’re large enough.

Sign # 6: Potholes are Forming:

Potholes are a sure sign that your pavement needs to be repaired. Potholes form when water gets underneath the pavement and wears away at the foundation. They can also be caused by vehicles driving over the cracked pavement. They can be dangerous, so it’s essential to fill them in as soon as you see them.

Sign # 7: The Pavement is Sinking:

Asphalt is durable, but it can’t withstand every force that’s put onto it. When you notice your pavement sinking, this could indicate problems with the foundation and should receive immediate attention from professionals who know what they’re doing!

Have you been noticing your asphalt pavement wearing down too quickly? If so, don’t worry – JB Lines is here to help. We offer a vast range of asphalt paving services near Airdrie, and we’d be happy to give you a free estimate. Contact us today to get started!